The Zero Tolerance Initiative is a global coalition led by indigenous peoples, local community representatives and supportive NGOs working collectively to address the root causes of killings and violence against human rights defenders linked to global supply chains.
The initiative works to support communities in enhancing their capacity to defend themselves and to hold companies and investors to account. It supports them to engage meaningfully with States, businesses and investors to seek verifiable and effective zero tolerance commitments against the reprisals of environmental human rights defenders, and the implementation of policies which realise those commitments.
To become a member of ZTI,
fill in the form here.
To learn more about ZTI, download the infographic above (available in English, Spanish and French).
ZTI is led by rightsholders.
ZTI upholds the principles of the Geneva Declaration.
ZTI actions reflect the priorities and needs of indigenous peoples, rural and Afro-descendent organisations and communities, defenders of human rights and the global environment.
ZTI does not seek to run its own campaigns or occupy the space of others but rather coordinates, catalyzes and connects, ensuring that different work within the coalition includes strong engagement and representation from rights holders.
ZTI measures its own success by effectiveness in making members of the network and the wider movement stronger and more successful in addressing the root causes of killings and violence in international supply chains.
ZTI communications are in English, Spanish and French.
"If we are going to save the planet, we have to stop killing and criminalising the people who protect it."
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz,
former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples
"Our community leaders are putting their lives at risk to defend our world."
Geovaldis González Jiménez, Community defender, Colombia